Team NJ During Practice Sessions at Cando Fitness

Pictures in the first slide show were taken 2/20/10 and those in the second slide show were taken on 1/9/2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Marlins swim pratice

Even though I hurt my ankle I went to pratice with the Marlins.
I tried my best but my ankle was hurting.There is no pratice with the Marilns next Sunday because it is a holiday. 7 weeks to Nationals!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Another Practice At Cando Fitness

Our team practiced at Cando again. Four swimmers were there with Coach Dave. We practiced gliding in the water with a buoy to keep our legs still. I swam about a mile that day. My shoulders were so sore after practice.

Walkathon at Dutch Neck School

Students at Dutch Neck School in West Windsor, NJ walked to raise money for Team New Jersey. I made a podcast with Mr. Eric Butler, the Computer Teacher at the school. It was shown to all of the students before they walked. Then on May 12, students and 200 parents walked to raise money for Team NJ. I wrote them a thank you note for all of their hard work.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Swim Practice at Cando Fitness


We had 4 swimmers today I found out what I am going to swim in Lincoln.I am going to swim 50 meter freestyle, 50 meter backstroke, and 2 relays. It was a long practice and I was very tired after practice.